1000 Books Before Kindergarten

This free program encourages you to read 1000 books with your child before he or she enters Kindergarten.  Experts say children need to reach this goal before entering school in order to help them learn to read for themselves.

 Encourage Reading
One of the best ways to encourage reading is to spend time sharing books every day.  Did you know that if you read your child three books per day for one year you will have read 1,095 books?  That is a significant number when it comes to your child’s growth and development!  Reading together helps develop important pre-reading skills that provide a solid reading foundation for school and learning success.  Plus, reading together is fun!

How to Participate

1. Register and pick up a packet with everything you need to get started.

2. Read together.

3. Color in a circle on your reading log for each book read.  If you read a book more than once, you may record it each time. Books read at library story time, at daycare, or by others to your child also count.

4. When you finish 100 books, bring your reading log back to the library and:

  • Get your name added to our wall of readers.
  • Collect your next reading log.

7. After finishing 1000 books, your child:

  • Receives a book and certificate.
  • Gets an awesome jumpstart on success in school.

 How Long Do I Have?
This club has no end date except your child entering Kindergarten, so do not feel rushed.  Take every opportunity to read with your children, discuss the stories, sing songs, and attend library programs.  This is your chance to ensure your child is prepared for school.

Feel free to come into the library for new books, free programs, and to talk to our friendly staff!

For more information about 1000 Books Before Kindergarten Program,click the link below:
